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Introduction To Philosophy (Sost 034)  Question Paper

Introduction To Philosophy (Sost 034)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer three questions.
Question One
Define the following terms as used in philosophy.
(6 marks)
Distinguish between categorical and hypothetical arguments.
(4 marks)
Critically examine the difference between general and technical philosophy.
(10 marks)

Question Two
Briefly explain the domains of metaphysics.
(8 marks)
How convincing is the view that sense experience is the source of all knowledge. Briefly analyze this philosophical idea.
(12 marks)

Question Three
Identify and explain any four methods of philosophy.
(4 marks)
Differentiate between the following concepts
Skepticism and intuition
Personal egoism and individual ethical (egoism)
Utilitananism and altruism
Power and authority.
(16 marks)

Question Four
Briefly explain any four reasons why egoism exists.
(4 marks)
Outline and illustrate two ways in which an action may be both self-interested and all rustic.
(6 marks)
Mention and discuss briefly the methods applied in dealing with formal philosophy according to Njoroge and Benaars.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Giving relevant examples, evaluate the significance of philosophy to mankind.
(8 marks)
The epistemological problem is never resolved by the skewed rationalistic or empirical approaches but rather by Kantian synthetic philosophy. Discuss.
(12 marks)

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