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Early World History(Sost 045)  Question Paper

Early World History(Sost 045)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer three questions only
Question One
State four river valleys where ancients’ civilizations of the World were founded.
(4 Marks)
Describe the features of the ancient civilizations of the world.
(16 marks)

Question Two
Describe how the ancient Egyptian society was organized.
(10 Marks)
Describe the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians

Question Three
Describe the ancient achievements of Sumerians
(10 marks)
Hammurabi the ruler of the city state of Babylon, put together a code of laws. State five of these laws
(10 Marks)

Question Four
Explain the systems of the government of (20 Marks)
Ancient Athenian state
Spartan state

Question Five
Sumerians and Egyptians were the first civilizations to invent the art of writing. Describe the system of writing of
Ancient Egyptians
(10 marks)
(10 Marks)

Question Six
What is civilization?
(2 Marks)
Discuss the impact of early civilization in Mesopotamia
(8 Marks)
Discuss the reasons for the success of early agriculture in Egypt

Question Seven
Explain the origins and the teachings of Christianity.
(10 marks)
Discuss the factors that led to the coming of Christian missionaries to Africa.
(10 Marks)

Question Eight
Define the term industrial revolution
(2 marks)
Explain the factors that precipitated industrial revolution in Britain
(8 Marks)
Discuss the consequences of industrial revolution in Europe
(10 Marks)

Question Nine
Discuss the causes of the first world war
(10 Marks)
Discuss the consequences of the First World War.
(10 marks)

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