A T R (Theo 205) Question Paper
A T R (Theo 205)
Course:Theology And Religious Studies
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer one question in section A and two questions in Section B.
All questions carry equal marks.
Question One
In ATR, there are no written scriptures. Explain ways in which this can affect the study of ATR.
Question Two
Examine the correlation between time, space and history in African traditional set-up.
Question Three
With particular reference to a named African community of your own choice, explain how the presence of God was acknowledged during the following occasions:
Child Birth.
Childhood-to-adulthood initiation.
Inauguration of a ruler.
Question Four
Compare and contrast J. Mbiti’s and E. Taylor’s approach to the study of ATR.
Question Five
There is a sharp distinction between African and western culture in regard to the place of women in society. Explain this distinction showing how it can be overcome.
Question Six
Discuss the impact of globalization on African indigenous economic systems.
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