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New Testament Text In English(Theo 303)  Question Paper

New Testament Text In English(Theo 303)  

Course:Theology And Religious Studies

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ONE Question in Section A and Any Other TWO in Section B
Question One
Use external and Internal evidence to prove Luke`s authorship of the Books of Luke and Acts. (20marks)

Question Two
Exegetically explain Luke 1:1-6. (20marks)

Question Three
Discuss synoptic problem and its possible solutions. (20marks)

Question Four
Using Biblical evidence discuss the following facts about the gospel of Luke.
a) Luke as a social gospel. (5marks)
b) Luke as a universal gospel. (5marks)
c) Luke as Historian (5marks)
d) Luke as an Evangelist (5marks)

Question Five
Exegetically explain Acts 1:8 (20marks)

Question Six
Explain why Luke end`s his narratives with the arrival of St. Paul in Rome.

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