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Greek 1 (Theo 121) Question Paper

Greek 1 (Theo 121) 

Course:Theology And Religious Studies

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer all questions. Each question carries 10 marks
Question One
Write down the Greek vowel letters and their equivalent sounds in English.

Question Two
Identify and write down Greek diphthongs among the following words.
1. ?????
2. a?t??
3. a???e?a
4. e????s?a
5. ap?st????
6. ??????
7. d??a???
8. ßas??e?a
9. d?????
10. e?e????

Question Three
Write down the present indicative form of the verbsß??p?, d?d?s??.
Fill in the gaps with the right endings of the present indicative verbs in the following sentences.
1. ? ?????p?? ??______ ????
2. ??d?????t??________ t?????µ???
3. ? ???st?????________ t???????
4. ????______ t???????t??Te??;

Question Four
Complete the following sentences with the correct Greek definite articles.
1. _______ Te?? a??pa ________ ?????p???
2. ________ ?????___________ Te??
3. ________ a?a??t???a ______ ????? ______Te??
4. ________ µ?????d?? p??? ____ e????s?a?
5. ________ ??????de?f?? ß??p??s?? ______ ???e????

Question Five
Decline the following words in both singular and plural in the given cases.
Words: ? ’µe?a?, ? ?????, t?t?????, ? Te??

Question Six
Translate the following sentences into Greek or English where it applies.
1. Jesus Christ the son of God

2. ? a???? ?a??a

3. Paul, do you believe that the angels are from God?

4. ??t??????a? t????????

5. In the beginning the word was with God

6. e??t??????a????

7. The priest is in the holy place (alter)

8. ??t??e????s?a?

9. This is a gift from God

10. d?d?s?? a?t? ta t???a

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