Marketing Communications(Mktg 331) Question Paper

Marketing Communications(Mktg 331) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Fear appeals have been studied more than any other emotional, not only in marketing communications but also in politics and child rearing. For many years marketing communicators believed that message’s effectiveness increased with the level of fear produced. Actual study findings indicate that neither extremely strong nor weak fear appeals are as effective as moderate ones in producing adherence to a recommendation Ray and Wilkie explained the finding by hypothesizing two types of effects as fear increases. First, there are the facilitating effects that are most often overlooked in marketing. If fear can heighten drive, there are the possibilities of greater attention and interest in the product and message that if no drive were aroused....But fear also brings the important characteristics of inhibition into the picture.......if fear levels are too high, there is a possibility by defensive avoidance of the ad, denial of threat, selective exposure or distortion of the ad’s meaning, or a view of the recommendations as being inadequate to deal with some important of fear.
Fear appeals often refer to negative consequences developed outside of the advertisement. When fear appeals as “no caffeine”, “no additives or preservatives”, and “no sugar added,” are used, only a few words are needed to cure the fear emotion, since other media have already sufficiently described the consequences of these appeals.
Source credibility also moderates fear appeals. When source credibility is high, a fear appeal induces change. Only a highly credible, well-established advertiser should use fear appeals.
Since different buyers have different levels of tolerance for fear appeals, the level of fear message should be set differently for different market segments. Furthermore, if the fear message is to be effective, the communication should promise to relieve, in a believable and efficient way, the fear is arouses otherwise buyers will ignore the threat.
Required: Question 1
a) Describe the circumstances that best suits the use of fear appeals. (10marks)
b) Discuss the consequences of the fear appeals advertisement. (10marks)
c) Discuss the factors a marketing communicator should consider before selecting the message source foe an advertisement. (10marks)

Question 2
a) Briefly discuss the advantages that firms derive from using internet for their marketing communications purposes. (10marks)
b) Explain four major methods used in setting the promotion budget. (10marks)

Question 3
a) As a marketing management trainee, you have been asked to clarify to top management the differences between consumer promotions and trade promotions.Describe the differences between the two. (10marks)
b) Explain why it’s important for a marketing communicator to understand consumer behaviour. (10marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss various social factors influencing marketing communication. (10marks)
b) Discuss the components of the communication process. (10marks)

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