International Marketing(Mktg 430) Question Paper
International Marketing(Mktg 430)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
You have been invited for a workshop for managers working for a company which is operating in international marketing research. The audience highlighted the following expectations at the beginning of the workshop;
To understand;
a) Distinction between Marketing research and marketing intelligence. (2marks)
b) Why a company would desire to conduct a research. (3marks)
c) The main stages of international marketing research; and how a company or organization can apply the stages in its international marketing research. (15marks)
d) The role of research in international marketing? (3marks)
e) The problems in international marketing research (5marks)
f) Sources of international marketing information (2marks)
Write a report giving the details of what you would capture in your presentations (particular attention should be paid to the expectations raised by the audience.)
Question 2
a) Describe the concept of global marketing (5marks)
b) Using examples, Describe the term international marketing (5marks)
c) Briefly discuss the reasons for entry into foreign markets (5marks)
d) Explain the differences between domestic and foreign markets (5marks)
Question 3
a) Define the terms Standardization and Adaptation (4marks)
b) It is possible to view standardization both as a process and in terms of implementation. A company has little or no control at the implementation level and it is more likely that the company will have to change parts of its marketing mix in order to satisfy customers. Using examples, discuss how the 7P’s of the marketing mix can deliberately be changed (adapted) so that it relates to each market. (14marks)
c) Highlight two factors affecting product standardization and any two factors affecting product adaptation. (2marks)
Question 4
Quintor international company has realized that its number of customers has declined over the last few years. A consultant has advised Quintor to apply a concept known as integrated marketing communication as a solution to the problem. The international marketing manager has contacted you so that you can assist in developing an effective integrated marketing program. However before you start, the manager wants you to explain to him what integrated marketing is all about.
a) First explain to him the meaning of integrated marketing communication (2marks)
b) Explain the FOUR major elements of a promotional mix, indicating the advantages of each in international marketing. Use examples to explain your answers (12marks)
c) Explain how the tools are integrated in order to achieve effectiveness in promotion (6marks)
Question 5
a) Define consumer behavior (2marks)
b) Highlight FOUR main buyers characteristics (2marks)
c) Using examples and illustrations from an international company, explain the FOUR elements above and how they influence consumer decision making in international marketing (12marks)
d) Explain the terms planning ,organizing and control as used in international marketing(4mks)
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