Sales And Distribution Management(Mktg 543)  Question Paper

Sales And Distribution Management(Mktg 543)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer a total of TWO Questions in SECTION A, Question ONE is Compulsory and TWO Questions from SECTION B


Question 1
Globally, Tobacco industry is under siege since the year 1990 RJR Reynolds International is the 3rd biggest tobacco company globally, 2nd is BAT international and 1st is Phillip Morris. In 1997, at Geneva, the executives seated in a boardroom came up with a corporate strategy to launch in Africa markets their premium cigarettes brands; Aspen King-size and Aspen Menthol to compete wit Embassy King-size and Menthol of BAT. It was a success in Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania and other European markets. RJR Reynolds (Kenya) was established in 1997 and launched Aspen cigarettes through the already established distribution networks of Eveready Batteries Company. RJR Reynolds (Kenya) LTD, was a total failure and was closed down in 2002 after gaining only 5% market share in a 7.2 billions cigarettes market.
a) Describe the interactions needed to take place among marketing, production and logistics department in new product introduction (8marks)
b) Explain the logistics department’s role in the introduction of the new product. (10marks)
c) Why is it necessary for the logistics department to be cognizant of all the planned changes in the promotion and production schedules for the new product introduction (7marks)

Question 2
a) Select a company that you are most familiar with and show how marketing logistics is a means of doing business in Kenya (15marks)
b) Assume you have been invited to a logistics business forum. The participants attitude is that the terms materials management and physical distribution may be used interchangeably by managers. You are determined to change their attitudes.

Write a memo to the head of the forum and use your firm to differentiate materials management from physical distribution (10marks)

Question 3
a) i) What is meant by inventory visibility
ii) Explain the benefits of inventory visibility (9marks)
b) Discuss the key questions that you would raise when judging the effectiveness of a company’s inventory management approach (16marks)


Question 4
According to Peter F. Drucker, “An institution that cannot produce its own managers will die. From an overall point of view, the ability of an institution to produce managers is more important that its ability to produce goods effectively and cheaply”. With this in mind, discuss the importance of sales executive development programme. (25marks)

Question 5
Discuss how you would use your knowledge of the selling process to get a job of your dream (25marks)

Question 6
a) Objections are encountered in practically every presentation. Discuss the causes of objections (10marks)
b) It is recognized that a salesperson should always be hungry for product knowledge. How can this knowledge be obtained. (15marks)

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