Brand Management(Mktg 545) Question Paper

Brand Management(Mktg 545) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE Questions

Question 1
Zain Kenya faces another disruptive rebranding phase should a 9billiondealbesealedinamonthstimewithindicationsthatitwillstarttradingasAirtel,thebrandpreferredbytheincomingowner.TheKenyaoperationsKuwaitiparentcompany,ZainGroup,iscurrentlyconsideringabidfromBhartiAirtelthatwillpossiblyseeitsAfricanoperationssnappedupbytheIndianconglomeratecontrolledbybillionaireSunilMittal.BhartitradesasAirtelinIndia,SriLankaandBangladesh.Localmarketinganalystsarealreadymullingtheimplicationsofthepossiblefourthnamechangeforconsumers,comingjust17monthsafterthehighprofilelaunchofbrandZain.Brandsareveryemotive,Zainhastakenusthroughquiteafewchanges.AlthoughtheKenyanpublichasremainedloyaltothebrandovertheyears,Iwouldanticipatemarginalsubscriberlossesoncetheymakethechange,saidFredSimiyu,thechairmanofthemarketingsocietyofKenya.Thecompanysmostrecentrebrandingexercisewasalavishaffair,presidedoverbyPresidentKibaki,withthebrandunveiledsimultaneouslyacrossZains14AfricanmarketsusingalivesatellitelinkupinAugust,2008.ThelaunchcoincidedwiththeannouncementthatZainwouldcommittoashs.25billionandAfricawidecelebrationsandculminatedinaliveconcertfor40,000peoplebyGrammyawardwinnerWyclefJeaninUganda.Rebrandingisacostlyaffair.Industryestimatesplacethecostofthe2008Zainrebrandingexerciseataround28 million.
When the same company was making the transformation from Kencell to Celtel in 2004, the exercise was estimated to have cost $30 million.
In September last year, Zain was voted first among the top 15 brands in East and Central Africa in an industry survey.
a) In your view as a brand management guru, would you advise the new investor to change the name to Airtel or Bharti? What are the benefits and danger of such a move? (15marks) b) Advise the new investors (Bharti) the strategies they can use to create/achieve brand awareness for their ‘new brand’ (10marks)
c) Bharti intends to conduct a strategic brand analysis to enable to formulate better strategies. Describe the areas to focus on when conducting a strategic brand analysis (5marks) Question 2 a) Using the loyalty pyramid, discuss the various levels of brand loyalty among consumers (10marks) b) Using examples, discuss the strategies used by various firms in Kenya to maintain and enhance brand loyalty. (10marks)

Question 3
a) Many brands fail before their fifth year. Discuss the causes of brand failure. Cite examples (12marks)
b) Discuss the strategies that a brand manager can use to revitalize a brand (13marks)

Question 4
a) Using specific examples, discuss the concept of brand personality (15marks)
b) Brand managers must make a decision on the number of brands to carry introduce in their brand portfolio. Discuss the various questions that a brand manager must address before introducing a new brand in its portfolio. (10marks)

Question 5
a) Distinguish between share of the mind, share of the heart and share of the market: as used in branding (6marks)
b) Describe the value of perceived quality to a firm (8marks)
c) Discuss the various types of brand associations that a marketer can use. (12marks)

Question 6
Due to increased competition both locally and globally, combined with complex nature of the modern consumer. Branding is the only solution for marketers. Using examples, discuss this statement. (25marks)

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