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Marketing Management(Mktg 330)  Question Paper

Marketing Management(Mktg 330)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) “Marketing is the prime mover of many organizations; it is the pivot and nerve centre of the entire organization?” In light of this statement, discuss the relevance and significance of marketing in today’s corporate world: (10marks)
b) Using relevant examples highlight five advantages and disadvantages of market challenger strategies (10marks)
c) While there are many ways of segmenting a market, not all methods are effective; state and explain five requirements for effective segmentation. (10marks)

Question 2
a) With use of relevant examples distinguish between production and selling marketing philosophy (12marks)
b) Using appropriate examples differentiate between dissonance – reducing and habitual buying behaviour (8marks)

Question 3
Write short notes on the following concepts as applied in marketing management:
a) Time series analysis of market demand (6marks)
b) Composition of a buying centre (6marks)
c) Advantages and disadvantages of a market nicher (8marks)

Question 4
a) Marketing management is essentially demand management. Discuss this statement in view of the various demand states that can face a marketing manager (12marks)
b) State and explain briefly the four different types of strategic business units in the portfolio analysis as indicated by the growth – share matrix. (8marks)

Question 5
a) With use of relevant examples discuss the common strategies used by market challengers and market followers as they consolidate their market position (12marks)
b) Explain the effects of post-election violence crisis of 2008 in Kenya on the performance of marketing activities in the country. (8marks)

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