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Marketing Communications(Mktg 331) Question Paper

Marketing Communications(Mktg 331) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the term Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) giving relevant examples (5marks) b) Briefly explain five key promotional tools a marketer can use to promote their product/service. Illustrate your answer with a product/service currently in the Kenyan market. (15marks)
c) With a well labelled diagram discuss how consumers generally adopt to new products once introduced in the marketing starting with the innovators (10marks)

Question 2
a) Briefly explain the benefits and key barriers a marketer will generally face while implementing an integrated marketing communication strategy (10marks)
b) One of the key factors that affect influence consumer behaviour is culture. With well articulated examples explain how social-cultural factors influence consumer behaviour (10marks)

Question 3
With the use of relevant examples write short notes on the following terminologies as used in marketing communication;
a) Push and pull promotion strategies (8marks)
b) Complex buying behaviour (4marks)
c) Direct marketing (4marks)
d) Opinion leaders and opinion formers (4marks)

Question 4
a) Briefly describe the merits and demerits of using the following marketing communication tools in today’s world:
i) Direct mail (2marks)
ii) Newspaper (2marks)
iii) Outdoor (2marks)
iv) Radio (2marks)
v) Website (2marks)
b) Define the term brand and explain with the help of relevant examples the benefits a firm may enjoy after developing a strong brand name (10marks)

Question 5
a) One of the key roles of a marketing manager is to set a realistic promotion budget. Clearly describe the four major methods that can be used in setting a promotion budget (10marks)
b) Discuss briefly the circumstances that suits best the use of fear appeals in advertising and its main consequences. (10marks)

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