International Marketing(Mktg 430) I Question Paper
International Marketing(Mktg 430) I
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) KenMat Enterprises, a local manufacturing company contends to extend its marketing activities to other countries. The company has therefore approached you to advice the management on the political risks in foreign countries. Advice the management of KenMat on the types of political risks they are likely to encounter. (10marks)
b) Using examples, discuss the four international marketing orientation/approaches used by international firms in carrying out their marketing activities across national borders. (10marks)
c) Discuss ten main reasons why marketers consider going international. (10marks)
Question 2
Using examples describe the following concepts as used in international marketing.
a) Licensing
b) Internationalization process
c) Joint ventures
d) Economic integrations (20marks)
Question 3
a) Discuss any five foreign market entry strategies, giving practical examples in each. (10marks)
b) Discuss the five major elements of the cultural environment that an international marketer needs to understand before going to a foreign country. (10marks)
Question 4
a) Discuss the merits and demerits of “product standardization” to an international firm. (10marks) b) Discuss the factors that influence pricing decisions in an international firm. (10marks)
Question 5
a) When promoting a product or service in a foreign market, marketers are faced with numerous challenges. Using examples, discuss these challenges. (15marks)
b) What is dumping? Use an example to illustrate. (5marks)
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