Marketing Of Services(Mktg 333) I Question Paper

Marketing Of Services(Mktg 333) I 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
Mary Anne, an employee in the public service is interested in venturing into hair dressing business. However, she has no or very little knowledge on service marketing. As an expert in service marketing, advice her on the following specific areas:
a) Factors to consider when selecting her business location (8marks)
b) How to use the service marketing triangle in marketing her services. (6marks)
c) The unique characteristics of her service and the challenges these characteristics pose. (8marks) d) How she can communicate her services to the target customers using the communication process model. (8marks)

Question 2
a) Define the term service quality and describe how it is determined. (5marks)
b) Differentiate between technical quality and functional quality (5marks)
c) Service quality process can be analysed by identifying possible gaps in service delivery. Using examples identify the five service gaps. (10marks)

Question 3
a) What do you understand by the term service positioning? (5marks)
b) Describe the role played by people in marketing of services. (6marks)
c) Discuss the service purchase decision process. (9marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss the possible strategies that can be used in pricing of services. (10marks)
b) With reference to the hotel services, describe how a marketer can use the service scope to communicate quality. (10marks)

Question 5
Write short notes on the following areas: (20marks)
a) Moment of truth
b) Internal marketing
c) Customer relationship management
d) Service Blue Print

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