Consumer Behavior(Mktg 432) Question Paper
Consumer Behavior(Mktg 432)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Describe the Maslow`s Hierachy needs theory and show how it is used in consumer behaviour. (10marks)
b) “Consumer Behaviour is an important discipline”. Explain the importance of consumer behaviour to both the marketer and the consumer. (8marks)
c) Discuss the consumer markets segmentation variables. (12marks)
Question 2
a) Using examples distinguish between personal consumers and organizational consumers. (8marks)
b) Using examples discuss the consumer decision making process. (12marks)
Question 3
a) Describe the “classical conditioning” Theory by/ an parlor and discuss its application in influencing consumer behaviour. (10marks)
b) Using relevant examples, discuss the different types of buying behaviour. (10marks)
Question 4
a) Using relevant examples, discuss the importance that culture and sub culture plays in a Consumer decision making process. (8marks)
b) Discuss the differences between the absolute threshold and the differential threshold. Which one is more important to marketers. Explain using relevant examples. (12marks)
Question 5
a) Using a practical example, discuss the different roles of family members in a purchase decision. (10marks)
b) What do you understand by the term “Cognitive Dissonance? Explain the strategies used by marketers to reduce cognitive dissonance. (10marks)
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