International Marketing(Mktg 542) Question Paper
International Marketing(Mktg 542)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE Questions.
Question 1
Southern Sudan government has agreed to observe peace with the Sudanese government in Khartoum under comprehensive peace agreement signed in Kenya in 2002. The Kenya government mediated during negotiations and spent a lot of resources to see that negotiations succeed. The government has brought tranquility and has enabled the govt. in Juba to plan for economic development.
Southern Sudan is endowed by nature to have a tropical climate and therefore can grow all kinds of tropical agricultural goods for commercial purposes and for domestic consumption. The government of southern Sudan is currently making long term strategic plans for developing the country and the infrastructure. Already, commercial services and hospitality industries have started developing their facilities in Juba. Yei, Rumbek, Torit, Kopeta and Kongor.
Southern Sudan in 2005 organized a two day sensitization seminar in Nairobi and invited the business community within African region to go to sudan and take business opportunities available there. The government disclosed that it would give various incentives that can attract investors into the country. These can include going into joint ventures arrangements with private investors to provide basic infrastructure services required to speed up economic and social development in Southern sudan.
Some firms have already moved to set up bases in towns across Southern Sudan and these include firms from Kenya, Uganda Tanzania and the Republic of South African. Some of these firms include those in banking, manufacturing, transport, building and construction and telecommunication firms. These firms will soon enjoy first mover advantage in competition. There has been noticeable movement of personnel from volunteers, adventures, or investors looking for business opportunities. According to Kenya`s ambassador to Sudan is 2006, Colonel Elijah Mativo, Kenya may have helped the Sudan to attain peace but might loose out in business. Other far off countries like South Africa, and runaway business from Zimbabwe as well as business from neighboring Uganda and Tanzania.
There are many opportunities in Agriculture, mining oil trade and distribution of manufactured products. In Early 2007, it was estimated that there were approximately 40,000 Kenyans working in Southern Sudan as traders, teachers, soldiers in African Union forces, NGO officials, and UN institutions workers. Because of the anticipated increase of Kenyans in Southern Sudan and increased business activities between the two countries, Kenya has opened a consulate in Juba. Organizations have already begun soliciting for people willing to work in Southern Sudan. There is hope that if peace is maintained, Southern Sudan can prosper quickly and can join the rest of the countries of Southern and Eastern Africa in development.
Using the above information, answer the following questions: a) Conduct a Political Risk Analysis (PRA) of Southern Sudan and advice the Kenyan firms and businessmen intending to go there. (8marks)
b) Advice the interested companies on the best foreign market entry strategies that they can use to enter Southern Sudan. (10marks)
c) What are some of the challenges and problems the marketers are likely to face in Southern Sudan? (7marks)
Question 2
Using examples, describe the following concepts as used in International Marketing.
a) Licensing
b) Internationalization process
c) Joint ventures
d) Economic integrations
e) Transfer pricing.
Question 3
a) Discuss FIVE major elements of culture that an International marketer needs to understand before going to a foreign country. (10marks)
b) Describe the advantages of an economic integration to an International marketer. (15marks)
Question 4
a) Discuss the merits and demerits of “Product standardization” to an International firm.(15marks)
b) Discuss the factors that influence pricing decision in an international firm. (10marks)
Question 5
a) When promoting a product in International markets, marketers are faced with numerous challenges. Using examples, discuss these challenges. (15marks)
b) Describe the implications of dumping to an international marketer. (10marks)
Question 6
a) Using examples, describe the various strategies used by international marketers to control grey marketing. (10marks)
b) Discuss the various ways in which “terrorism” has affected global marketing activities across the world. (15marks)
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