Marketing Communication(Mktg 331) Question Paper

Marketing Communication(Mktg 331) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
Explain in detail different steps for an effective marketing communication activities. (25marks)

Question 2
Describe the different types of medias, stating their advantages and disadvantages. (15marks)

Question 3
a) Highlight the key functions of an advertising manager. (5marks)
b) Explain reasons why agencies loose clients. (10marks)

Question 4
a) What are some of the media planning activities. (8marks)
b) Explain the meaning of the following in marketing communication.
i) Reach (4marks)
ii) Frequency (4marks)

Question 5
Explain how politics and economic factors do affect Kenyan Industrial market place. (15marks)

Question 6
a) What are the different steps in industrial markets segmentation. (5marks)
b) Describe the basis of segmenting industrial markets. (10marks)

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