International Marketing(Mktg 435) Question Paper

International Marketing(Mktg 435) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.
Question one (Compulsory)
Your managing director is about to attend a conference where the theme is international marketing. Prepare a paper for him that includes.
The benefits of the international marketing.
The reasons for having strategic alliances.
The different orientations/attitudes towards international marketing.

Question Two.
Overseas markets are invariably different from domestic markets. It is very important to understand those differences when undertaking overseas marketing. Discuss how an international marketer can monitor and address an overseas market in terms of the political environment. (20mks)

Question Three.
International marketing involves an understanding of cultural differences.
a) Critically analyze the impact of culture on ethical marketing decision making for international marketers. (8mks)
b) Discuss the various elements of culture that an international marketer should watch for. (12mks)

Question Four.
International pricing is generally more critical and complex than domestic.
Critically appraise the future influencing international pricing decisions. (20mks)
Question Five.
The World Bank has developed a category system of classification that uses per capita gross national product (GNP) as a base for classifying markets. Distinguish between low income countries and High income countries as viewed by international marketers.

b) Distinguish between Direct investment and Joint venture as foreign market entry modes. (10mks)

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