Sales And Distribution Management(Mktg 543)  Question Paper

Sales And Distribution Management(Mktg 543)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer question One and any other Three questions
Question One
Larry, John and Kathryn sat down for their weekly sales meetings when Larry said; "Selling Apple’s new Power Mac personal computer in our market will not be easy for us. The city only has 200,000 people; the neighboring towns have 275,000. Yet there are 10 or more companies selling personal computers in the area. Shack, Digital, IBM, and others are tough competitors. I am not sure where to begin".
"Larry, our best prospects and the ones to begin seeing are our present customers - not only the ones now using our Apple PCs, but customers who buy our equipment and other office supplies", said John. "These people know us and already have accounts set up".
"That’s okay for you", replied Kathryn; "however, many of our present customers already have PCs. So I’m not sure I can count on selling many to them. I’m going to have to explore new territories, knock on
doors, and dial-far-dollars to even come with leads."
Larry broke broke in with, "let’s go after IBM customers. IBM has the biggest
market share in our area. We need to hit them head-on."
"No way", replied John, "we could get creamed if we got into a. war by attacking IBM or any of our competitors".
"But with our advertising", Larry continued, "the company’s service, and our fair price on the state-of- the-art PC, we can regain our market share".
"Hold it, hold it," Kathryn said. "Let’s start over and develop a plan that will allow us to uncover as many prospects as we can. After all we need to push this new product and get the competitive edge before competition knows what hit them."
Distinguish between a lead and a prospect and explain the procedure of qualifying a lead into a prospect.
Apart from the procedures mentioned above, describe five other methods of
prospecting. (10mks)
Assuming you were listening to the discussion between Larry, John and Kathryn, develop a prospecting plan for them.

Question Two
Discuss the importance of sales force evaluation and control
Discuss the various bases for evaluating sales force performance (15mks)

Question Three
Discuss the objectives of a sound compensation and remuneration plan (10mks)
Discuss the various factors to be taken into consideration while deciding on the remuneration plan

Question Four
Explain the objectives of materials handling
Some managers argue that warehousing can aid companies in providing value added service for the customers. Discuss this view.

Question Five
Discuss the impact of changes in the technological environment on a firms marketing logistics activities (25mks)

Question Six
Distinguish between physical distribution and logistics management (6mks)
Discuss reasons why manufacturers need the services of middlemen despite the fact that they give away control on the sale of their products
Discuss the main functions of channel intermediaries

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