Principles Of Marketing C (Mktg 218) Question Paper
Principles Of Marketing C (Mktg 218)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) Define the following terms:
i) Customer value
ii) Customer satisfaction
iii) Market
iv) Exchange
v) Demand. (10marks)
b) Differentiate between marketing and selling concepts. (10marks)
c) Explain how changes in the technological and political environments affect marketing decisions. (10marks)
Question Two
a) Developing a product or service involves defining the benefits that will offer. Give and explain some of the product attributes a firm can use to differentiate itself and to communicate these benefits. (10marks)
b) Kenya Methodist University is about to launch new programmes suggest to the University the promotion tools they may use to launch. Explain why? (10marks)
Question Three
a) Define a product. Elaborate the levels of a product and suggest ways in which a product developer can add value on the product at each level.
b) State and explain causes of failures of new products in market.(10marks)
Question Four
Briefly discuss the new product development process carefully describing the market activities undertaken at each stage of the process. (20marks)
Question Five
a) Discuss the major strategies for pricing of products that a firm may use.
b) Explain the variables a firm may use to segment its markets. (10marks)
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