Marketing Management (Mktg 330) Question Paper
Marketing Management (Mktg 330)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
In the late 1990s, Motorola and several partners launched Iridium, a 5billionglobalsatellitebasedwirelesstelephonesystem.Motorola′sengineersenvisionedlaunched66telecommunicationssatellitestocircletheearththatwouldmakeitpossibleforconsumerstoplaceandreceivecallswithonephoneanywhereintheworld.Motorola′saimwastoestablishauniversalstandardforwirelesstelephony.Yetinaugust1999,Indiumhadtofileforbankruptcybecauseitwasunabletomeeta90 million bond payment and in March 2000, a judge ordered that the bankrupt system be shut down Motorola was forced to pull the plug on the project. It is clear that the projects sponsors did poor job thinking through the four PS and target market size.
Some of the four PS problems arose from; the product weighed about one pound. Most cell phones weigh a couple of ounces. The handset was shaped like a brick. Price was originally launched at 3,000andeventuallycamedownto 1,000 worse, overtime charges range from 4to9 a minute. Place, although the phone was touted to be workable anywhere it could not be used inside buildings or in moving cars. Furthermore, large areas in Europe, Asia and Africa lacked service linkages. As concerning promotion no amount of promotion can make a success out of a poorly designed product plagued with poor quality and service in many areas.
Highlight the stages in new product development.
(5 Marks)
Which stage of the product development process do you think this company neglected? Support your answer.
(6 Marks)
Explain five reasons why new products fail.
(5 Marks)
Explain the phrase "Four Ps" of marketing.
(4 Marks)
Which marketing philosophy did Motorola adopt in launching Iridium? Support your answer.
(4 Marks)
In your opinion what environmental Factors caused the failure of Iridium?
(6 Marks)
Question Two
"Smart Companies will immerse themselves in trying to understand the customer’s overall experience in learning about a product, making a brand choice, using the product and even disposing of it." Explain this statement applying the stages of the buying decision process.
(10 marks)
The product life cycle model is a planning tool for marketing managers who want to divest extend and reengineer their company’s products lines. Identify the stages and explain characteristics of every state suggesting suitable strategies.
(10 Marks)
Question Three
Marketing activities should be carried out under a well-thought out philosophy of efficiency and effectiveness and social responsibility. There are about eight competing philosophies under which organizations conduct marketing activities. Citing suitable examples from the business world, explain in Kenya have adopted these marketing philosophies in offering their product and services.
Question Four
Discuss at least five pricing methods at your disposal as a marketing manager.
(10 Marks)
Define brand equity.
(1 Mark)
Explain how brand equity provides competitive advantage for firms.
(4 Marks)
Explain reasons why sellers brand their product when doing so involves costs.
(5 Marks)
Question Five
Marketing need to have an ’inside’ look of the marketing environment before designing a marketing offer. Discuss.
(10 Marks)
Define consumer behavior and explain four major categories of factors that effect consumer behavior.
(10 Marks)
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