Marketing Management B(Mktg 330) Question Paper
Marketing Management B(Mktg 330)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) Distinguish between:-
i) Marketing mix and product mix
ii) Market segmentation and market targeting (10marks)
b) "In the growth stage of the product life cycle, the firm faces a trade-off between high market share and high current profit" Explain this statement. (10marks)
c) "The PLC concept is a good theory but it is of little use in real marketing world". Discuss this statement. (10marks)
Question Two
a) Discuss the importance of having a Marketing Information System in a marketing organization and briefly explain its components. (15marks)
b) Why should firms continuously scan the environment? (5marks)
Question Three
Few companies do not adopt the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) approach in managing their promotional activities despite the advantages that accrue to the firms from using it.
a) Explain the benefits that accrue to a company that uses the IMC approach. (10marks)
b) Discuss the factors that should be considered by a communications mix.
Question Four
a) Using examples from the local market, explain the roles of marketing to the society. (8marks)
b) Explain the internal and external factors that influence the pricing of goods and services. (12marks)
Question Five
a) The middleman is a mere parasite who only increases the costs of production that are then passed over to the consumer in form of high product prices. Discuss (12marks)
b) Suggest strategies that a marketing manager can employ to motivate and maintain the members in the channels of distribution. (8marks)
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