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Plant Morphology And Anatomy Question Paper

Plant Morphology And Anatomy 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Botany

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2004


1. Explain underlined words and write the floral formula for the family.

1.Twining or erect shrubs, a few herbs and trees; with latex.Leaves simple opposite or whorled rarely alternate. Flower regular, bisexual and hypogynous, in cymes, usually funnel-shaped, often with corona.Calyx gamasepalous with 5 sepals, gamapetalous corolla with 5 petals having contorted aestivation. Androecium, stamens 5, epipetalous included within the corolla-tube. Disc-present, ring-like or glandular. Gynoecium-carpels 2 apocarpous or syncarpous, superior. When apocarpous the ovary maybe 1-celled with parietal placentation, or 2-celled with axile placentation; ovules 2-00 in each. Fruit a pair of follicles or berries or drupes. Seeds comose mostly with endosperm.

2.Give a short classification of fruits.

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