Marketing Communication Strategy (Mktg 334) Question Paper
Marketing Communication Strategy (Mktg 334)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) Technological advancements in the ICT have greatly affected the way companies communicate with their customers. Using examples discuss this statement. (15marks)
b) Discuss how companies utilize the concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC) showing evenly how to combine the promotion mix elements to achieve maximum results. (15marks)
Question Two
a) Explain why companies are increasingly using celebrity endorsements in their advertisement campaigns. (12marks)
b) Describe the factors to consider when selecting the appropriate media to use for advertising and other marketing communication. (8marks)
Question Three
Discuss the marketing communication planning process. Use examples to illustrate. (20marks)
Question Four
a) Discuss the methods used by marketers to execute their public relation
programs. (10marks)
b) Discuss the advantages to disadvantages of social media or communication channel. (10marks)
Question Five
a) Describe FIVE sales promotion programs targeted to the ultimate consumer. (10marks)
b) Describe the strategies that you would use to motivate sales people.
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