Consumer Behavior B(Mktg 432) Question Paper

Consumer Behavior B(Mktg 432) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer four questions
Question One
Explain the benefits of studying consumer behavior. (15 marks)

Question Two
Explain the stages in decision making process of customers. (15 marks)

Question Three
Describe the external factors that influence consumer to buy a product.
(15 marks)

Question Four
Discuss factors that may make a consumer swift in types of buying decisions. (15 marks)

Question Five
Explain how family size may affect influence buying behavior of consumer. (15 marks)

Question Six
Discuss how social class structure influence consumer behavior in spending this income. (15 marks)

Question Seven
Explain how cultural factors may influence consumer behavior in spending this income (15 marks)

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