Consumer Behavior C(Mktg 432) Question Paper
Consumer Behavior C(Mktg 432)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) Differentiate between organizational buying and individual buying. Explain the differences by taking the example of purchase of laptop in both cases. (10marks)
b) What do you understand by reference group influence? Explain the degree of reference group influence with regards to the purchase of the following products and their respective brand choice.
i) Clothes
ii) Membership of health club
iii) Toothpaste. (10marks)
c) Explain the process of consumer decision making. (10marks)
Question Two
a) Why is it important to study post purchase behavior? (6marks)
b) Explain the concept of family life cycle and show how the family life cycle
stages affects the consumption pattern? (14marks)
Question Three
a) Using examples, explain what you understand by the term consumerism.
b) Discuss the future of consumer behavior in relation to technological
factors. (10marks)
Question Four
a) Describe the following terms on consumer behavior
i) Perception
ii) Altitudes
iii) Motivation. (10marks)
b) Using a diagram discuss the adopter categories. (10marks)
Question Five
a) Discuss the main types of buyer behavior? (10marks)
b) Discuss the challenges marketers experience in relation to consumer
behavior? (10marks)
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