Marketing Communication(Mktg 541)  Question Paper

Marketing Communication(Mktg 541)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer Question ONE and any Other THREE Questions
Question One
a) Event sponsorship has experienced a major growth in the 1990`s. What are the factors that contributed to this growth. (7marks)

b) Publicity is about Plaurine of news about a product or organization in the media without paying for the time using relevant examples identify SIX potentially newsworthy topics that an organization can use for publicity.

c) Very few promotions offer direct financial incentives to purchase. Briefly explain any FOUR non financial objectives of sales promotion. (7marks)

d) Database marketing has grown tremendously across industries. Explain the types of information that are received in a database. (4marks)

Question Two
a) In your own words, discuss the integreated communications concept. Explain the emphasis on "consistent" and "complete" message applies with respect to promotion blends. (15marks)

b) Within an advertising context what is positive in the mind of consumer? Using examples discuss the alternative positioning options available to a marketer. (10marks)

Question Three
Discuss how adoption curve should be used to plan the promotion blend(s) for a new automobile accessing an electronic random system that alerts advice if he or she is about to change causes into the path of a care that is passing through a blind spot in the drivers mirrors. (25marks)

Question Four
A small company has developed an innovative new spray on glass cleaner that prevents the build up electrostatic dust on computer screens and Tvs. Give some low cost ways the firm can used for effectively promoting its products. Consider both push and pull approaches. (25marks)

Question Five
Discuss the communication process in relation to a products promotion of an accessory. Product say a new electronic security system businesses used to limit access to areas where they store confidential documents. (25marks)

Question Six
In reference to the product life cycle explain the promotion blends to use over the PLC. (25marks)

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