Marketing Management B(Mktg 330)  Question Paper

Marketing Management B(Mktg 330)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question one (compulsory) and any other two questions. Relevant examples can be used to illustrate your answers.
Question One
Read the case below and answer questions that follow:
In early 2007, the leading mobile operator in Kenya Safaricom launched one for the most successful implementations of a mobile transfer service M-PESA. The product M-PESA was derived from M-mobile, pesa meaning money. The service has grown rapidly since its launch and is currently used by over 8 million subscribers. M-pesa is a SMS based system that enables users to deposit, send and withdraw funds using their mobile phone. Customers do not need to have a bank account and can transact at any of the country’s over 11,001 agent outlets. Registration and deposits are free and most other transactions are price based on a tiered structure to allow even the poorest users to be able to use the system at a reasonable out. Safaricom positioned the product as a fast, safe and easy way to send money home. The service also enables airtime purchase, bill payment, ATM withdrawal and purchase of goods and services.
The environment of the money transfer business was that by 2008, Safaricom had a wide network coverage, literacy levels in the country are high that majority of the people could easily use the services. Only 19% of the population was using formal financial services and the demand for the services was very high. Technology adoption was very fast and the regulatory environment was favourable.
Assess the business environment of Safaricom M-pesa.
What is market positioning?
Explain how Safaricom positioned its M-pesa product in the market.
In your own view, what do you think are internal environmental factors that enhanced faster adoption of the product in the market?

Question Two
Explain in detail the concept marketing information system.
Explain four main elements of marketing information system.

Question Three
Describe the new product development process.
With the aid of a diagram, explain the product life cycle.

Question Four
Describe the Ansoff product/market matrix. (20mks)

Question Five
There are various interpretations of the term branding. Highlight them.
Why is branding important to an organization.
What factors should one consider while choosing distribution channels.

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