Principles Of Marketing B(Mktg 218) Question Paper
Principles Of Marketing B(Mktg 218)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer question one and any other two.
Question One
The reading university, one of the oldest private university in Kenya. It has been in existence for about fifteen years. For a long time, the university had enjoyed calmness and increased enrolment in the programmes. It attracts both part-time and full-term lecturers. From other universities. Given its international orientation, the university attracts students from all cultural backgrounds. The university claims to be the best in terms of learning facilities which include a well stocked library, computer facilities, optima class sizes and is located in a conducive environment for learning. On average, its fees are higher than those of the other universities.
In what ways would marketing planning assist the university.
When developing a positioning strategy for its MBA programme, what differentiators, can the marketing manager of the university use for competitive advantage.
Assuming that the university management has decided to carry out marketing research, explain the way in which it may benefit from the research.
Question Two
Think back over your decision of which university to join inorder to do your bachelors degree and explain the stages that you went through in making the decision.
Why is it necessary for a marketer to understand the post-purchase behavior of his customer’s?
Describe the cognitive dissonance theory indicating ways marketers can deal with it.
Question Three
State and explain the elements of the promotional mix showing the advantages and disadvantages of each element. (20mks)
Question Four
Describe the objectives of price setting by marketing organizations. (10mks)
Explain the product life cycle indicating the marketing strategies appropriate at each stage.
Question Five
Write short notes on the following terms
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