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Marketing Communication (Mktg 334)  Question Paper

Marketing Communication (Mktg 334)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question one and any other three.
Question One
Discuss the steps in developing effecting marketing communication.
Define Clutter. Describe five forms of Clutter in marketing communications.
Define the concept "integrated marketing communications"
Give the advantages and disadvantages of integrated of marketing communications.

Question Two
Discuss the various advertising appeals using a relevant advertisement aid in our local T.V.
Define communication and explain a crucial role in business. (10mks)

Question Three
Discuss the factors you need to consider as marketer when coming up with a promotion mix.
Describe the desirable qualities of a good message.

Question Four
Discuss the factors that you consider when setting a promotional budget.
Describe the roles product branding, packaging, labeling plays in making a product known to a potential customer.
Explain the push and pull strategies that producers use to promote and sell their products.

Question Five
Discuss the promotional mix elements exhaustively give advantages and disadvantages of each of the elements. (20mks)

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