Consumer Behavior B(Mktg 432) Question Paper

Consumer Behavior B(Mktg 432) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Attempts three questions and question one is compulsory.
Question One
Why are marketers sometimes ’forced’ to reposition their products or service? Illustrate your answer with examples.
Why is it difficult for consumers to evaluate the quality of services than the quality of products?
Examine the relationship between customer value, satisfaction, trust and retention.
Identify and explain the levels of consumer decision making.
Discuss selective perception and illustrate how consumers select stimuli from environment.
Consumers have both innate anch acquires needs. Give examples of each kind of needs and show how the same purchase can serve to fulfill either or both kind of needs.

Question Two
The Gillette Company, which produces the highly successful shaving blade, has recently introduced a clear gel antiperspirant and deodorant for men. Identify the perceived rinks associated with the purchase of this new product and outline a strategy designed to reduce these perceived virus during the product’s introduction.
You are the marketing manager of a large soft-drink company. Your company’s advertising agency is in the process of negotiating a contract to employ a superstar female singer to promote your product. Discuss the reference group factors that you would consider before the celebrity is hired.

Question Three
As the owner of a Saturn automobile dealership, what kind of marketing strategies would you use to target working women?
Describe how manufacturer might use knowledge of the following producer characteristics to speed up the acceptance of cellular telephones
Relative advantage

Question Four
Examine the types of promotional messages that would be most suitable for each of the following personality market segments and give examples of each.
Highly dogmatic consumers
Inner-directed consumers
Consumer with high optimum stimulation levels
Consumers with a high need for recognition
Consumers who are visualizes versus consumers who are verbalizes.

Question Five
In terms of consumer behavior are the cultures of the world becoming more similar or different? Discuss.
Compare and contrast the economic, passive cognitive and emotional models of consumer decision making.

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