Principles Of Marketing B(Mktg 218)  Question Paper

Principles Of Marketing B(Mktg 218)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer all questions in section A and choose Two questions in section B.
Question One
Distinguish between marketing and selling. (4 Marks)

Question Two
In reference to purchases you made recently outline the major steps in buyers’ decision process. (4 Marks)

Question Three
Using appropriate examples, explain three control methods adopted in marketing to maximize revenue. (6 Marks)

Question Four
Product positioning is important for any company wishing to maintain and retain their existing customers. Briefly explain three steps involved in product positioning. (6 Marks)

Question Five
The process of deciding the price for a product is difficult task. Management has to weigh a large number of factors which are complex. Discuss. (10 Marks)

Question One
Outline five functions of product packaging.
(5 Marks)

Due to the increasing competition among the companies producing consumable goods company X has decided to hire you to advice them on the best ways to differentiate their product. In details explain the best measures that the company has to adopt for a competitive edge.
(15 Marks)

Question Two
Identify five characteristic of effective market segmentations.
(5 Marks)

Market intermediaries are parasite that should be eliminated from organization supply chain. Discuss.
(5 Marks)

Product are living organism, they are born, lives and die." With an illustration, discuss the statement.
(10 Marks)

Question Three
Distinguish between Zero level channels and one level channel.
(4 Marks)
Explain both the economic and psychological theories of buyers’ behavior.
(6 Marks)

Using appropriate examples explain the five different types of branding methods.
(10 Marks)

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