Marketing Fundamentals B(Mktg 022) Question Paper
Marketing Fundamentals B(Mktg 022)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt Question ONE and ANY Other TWO
Question One
a) Discuss the macro environmental factors that affect an organization.
Use relevant examples to support your answer. (10marks)
b) What is a marketing plan and how important is it to an organization?
c) Discuss the difference between the selling concept and the marketing
concept and show why the marketing concept is preferred by modern
firms? (10marks)
Question Two
a) What are factors that influence consumer behavior? Discuss how each one of them affect the purchase decisions (10marks)
b) Write short notes on the following. (10marks)
i) Utility
ii) Value
iii) Satisfaction.
Question Three
a) Discuss the various pricing strategies a firm can use. (10marks)
b) Discuss the various stages involved in the consumer decision making
process. (10marks)
Question Four
a) What are factors (bases) for effective consumer market segmentation?
b) Discuss the Product Life Cycle (PLC) and highlight what marketing
activities are relevant at every stage? (10marks)
Question Five
a) Discuss the elements of the promotion mix. (10marks)
b) Why is it important for a firm to manage its distribution channels? List
and discuss at least four reasons. (10marks)
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