Principles Of Marketing B(Mktg 218) Question Paper
Principles Of Marketing B(Mktg 218)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Briefly explain the following terms as used in marketing:
Direct marketing.
Promotion premiums.
Market mix
Market target
Give any three differences between the "market concept" and the selling concept" market philosophies,
Explain how the marketing function satisfies the needs of the customer, the business person and the community.
Marketers today spends less time trying to increase "market share" but more time on trying to "grow share of customer". Using examples, explain these highlighted concepts.
Explain any three external factors that marketers consider when setting the prices of their products.
A product benefits customers through its product attributes. Name and explain three product attributes.
Question Two
Explain the micro marketing environment and discuss any four components of the micro marketing environment.
Explain any five factors a marketing manager will consider when evaluating the performance of sales persons.
Question Three
What are the four key activities marketers engage in the development and management of an advertising programme.
Many organizations make use of a sales force in their marketing effort. Explain any four roles of a sales force in marketing.
Question Four
Explain all stages involved in the process of new product development.
Highlight four benefits of e-marketing.
Question Five
Name and explain, and give examples of four levels of market segmentation.
Briefly explain consumer products and explain three classes of consumer goods.
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