Marketing Management (Mktg 330) Question Paper
Marketing Management (Mktg 330)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Marketing of services can pose some challenges to marketers. Identify and briefly explain the four distinctive characteristics of services. What marketing strategies can you employ for each distinctive characteristic?
(16 Marks)
Explain the basis of segmenting consumer markets.
(6 Marks)
Discuss the concept of the product life cycle and its role in marketing.
(8 Marks)
Question Two
(i) What is price?
(ii) Discuss the importance of understanding customer value perceptions when setting prices. (10 Marks)
Identify and define important external and internal factors affecting a firm’s pricing decisions.
(10 Marks)
Question Three
Explain the elements of the promotion mix and discuss factors that must be considered in shaping the overall promotion mix.
(12 Marks)
Discuss the nature and importance of marketing logistics and integrated supply chain management.
(8 Marks)
Question Four
Discuss the importance of planning as a pre-requisite to the success of the business.
(10 Marks)
Explain the reasons why business/marketing plans fail.
(10 Marks)
Question Five
Distinguish between physical distribution and logistics management.
(6 Marks)
The middleman is a parasite who only increases the cost of production that are then passed on to the consumer in form of high prices. Discuss.
(14 Marks)
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