Marketing Management B(Mktg 330)  Question Paper

Marketing Management B(Mktg 330)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question ONE an any other TWO questions.
Question One
Discuss the psychological factors influencing consumer’s buying behavior.
Explain the stages of development of a new product or service that a company goes through.
"An ideal market segment should meet certain criteria to be useful." State them.

Question Two
"Firms today use various marketing concepts in doing business" Explain any five marketing concepts that are operational in today’s world of business.
Outline the levels of a product that a marketer should emphasize on always as he/she brings a product to the market.

Question Three
"Before a consumer buys any product or service he goes through a buying decision process" Discuss that process clearly.
What are the channel management decisions that a marketer must resolve as he/she intends to distribute effectively and efficiently.

Question Four
With an aid of a diagram of a diagram, elaborate on the communication process.
"For any marketing concept to operate well in an organization must have certain pillars." Clearly outline the marketing concepts pillars. (8mks)

Question Five
Using an illustration, explain the consumer adopter categories when an innovation comes to the market.
Explain the biggest mistakes marketer make during setting of prices for their goods, brands and/or service.

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