Marketing Communications(Mktg 334)  Question Paper

Marketing Communications(Mktg 334)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question ONE an any other TWO questions.
Question One
The success of a communication strategy highly depends on the ability of the marketer to obtain on optimum combination of the various promotions mix elements. Using appropriate examples,
Describe the factors that would influence a company’s choice of a promotion mix.
Explain the alternative combinations that would help a company achieve optimal results in the promotion program.
Using examples, describe the factors that influence choice of advertising media.

Question Two
Using examples, discuss the consumer sales promotion programs used by various business firms in Kenya.
Using examples, discuss the various message appeals used in advertising.

Question Three
Using examples, describe the role of marketing communication in the consumer decision making process. (20mks)

Question Four
Discuss the marketing communication planning process.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of selling as a promotions tool.

Question Five
Describe the creative techniques used in executing adverts.
Describe the function of public relations as a promotional tool. (8mks)

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