Marketing Services(Mktg 335) Question Paper
Marketing Services(Mktg 335)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Answer question one and other two.
Question One
Discuss the marketing strategies used by service firms to attract and retain customers.
Using the service marketing triangle describe the three dimension of service marketing.
Question Two
Identify and explain the possible service quantity gaps in service delivery.
Discuss the factors influencing choice of a brand name for a service.
Question Three
Describe the ways through which a service provider can tangibles a service.
Describe the roles played by people in service marketing.
Question Four
Discuss the factors influencing choice of location for a service. (12mks)
Describe the development that have contributed to the growth of service marketing as a discipline.
Question Five
Using specific examples, discuss the market segmentation variables used by service firms.
Define and explain the purpose of in service blue print.
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