International Marketing (Mktg 542) Question Paper
International Marketing (Mktg 542)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Answer question one and any other three.
Question One
Discuss factors that encourage entry into global marketing.
(10 marks)
Assume you are a manager in an advertising agency. Your first assignment is to design an advertisement that will be used in different countries across the world. Discuss the factors that you are going to consider when designing this advert.
(12 marks)
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using ethnocentric approach when marketing internationally.
(8 marks)
Discuss the challenges likely to face a marketer when conducting research in a foreign country.
(10 marks)
Question Two
Describe the term transfer pricing and explain the alternative approaches to transfer pricing.
(6 marks)
Using examples, describe the influence of culture in international marketing.
(6 marks)
Explain four determinants of international pricing.
(8 marks)
Question Three
With reference to international product decisions, describe the factors that influence a decision whether to standardize or adopt the product strategy.
(10 marks)
Explain the following
Grey markets
(5 marks)
International product policy
(5 marks)
Question Four
Marketing managers should prepare themselves before going to international markets. They must evaluate and analyze the external environment of each country as targeted market. Using relevant examples, discuss this statement. (20 marks)
Question Five
Once a company decides to target a particular country, it has to determine the best mode of entry. In the light of the above statement, discuss the following modes of entry highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.
Joint ventures.
(6 marks)
(7 marks)
(7 marks)
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