Brand Management (Mktg 547)  Question Paper

Brand Management (Mktg 547)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question one and any other three.
Question One
Clearly, a central consideration in developing an identity, a position, and an execution in branding, is knowing when to change what has gone before. Kenya Methodist University is contemplating changing its identity. Explain the possible rationale that may inform this decision.
(10 marks)
Despite the huge financial implications of branding, there are no known benefits of branding to the consumers. Discuss.
(10 marks)
In reference to Percy and Elliot brand loyalty model, explain the concept of brand loyalty.
(5 marks)

Question Two
Defining brand quality is never an easy task. Worse still, is the challenge of distinguishing perceived quality from actual quality. Present arguments to convince your audience that actual quality may be different from perceived quality.
(10 marks)
Just as the perceived personality of an individual is affected by nearly everything associated with that person: including his or her neighbourhood, friends, activities, clothes and manner of interacting – so too is a brand personality. Explain the concept of brand personality and advice on various approaches of creating brand personality.
(15 marks)

Question Three
The development of a brand identity, a value proposition, and brand position statements of what the brand should stand for and its promise to customers- is a strategic decision in even sense. Discuss the "self analysis of the brand" perspective as a basis of strategic brand analysis.
(10 marks)
A well conceived and implemented brand identity and position can be a powerful asset to a firm, providing a source of sustainable advantage and a vehicle to help manage the brand. Discuss how a proper identity and position creates value to an organization.
(15 marks)

Question Four
Explain the concept of brand identity and discuss possible brand identity traps that a brand of your choice may be trapped in.
(20 marks)
Distinguish between the functional benefits and self expressive benefits for a vehicle model of your choice.
(5 marks)

Question Five
Critically assess the financial benefits of a strong brand.
(15 marks)
A brand is normally made up of several elements. Discuss these elements indicating the considerations in each of these elements.
(10 marks)

Question Six
Malta Guinness; a brand of EABL is experiencing a major drop in sales and market share. As a branding expert, suggest to the management of EABL on possible branding strategies that may be used to revitalize the brand.
(20 marks)
Explain the qualities of a good brand name.
(5 marks)

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