Marketing Management (Mktg 330)  Question Paper

Marketing Management (Mktg 330)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) What do you understand by the term Intergrated Marketing
Communication (IMC)? (2marks)
b) What are the differences between pure services and products? (5marks)
c) In what ways would Marketing planning assist an organization? (5marks)
d) The marketing executives are charged with the responsibility of identify and selecting channels to carry and sell the firms products on their behalf. Briefly explain the factors you would consider in your choice to select in given region. (8marks)
e) Briefly explain the internal factors a marketer should consider in setting the price of a product. (10marks)

Question Two
a) Why would an organization conduct a marketing communication
campaign? (8marks)
b) Marketing activities are influenced by factors within the firm and factors outside the firm. Briefly describe the macro-environment variables indicating their influences in marketing activates. (12marks)

Question Three
a) XML LTD, the company you work for, has just launched a new product As a Marketing Manager, describe the procedure of setting a suitable price for the product to your sales term. (12marks)
b) As a consumer, you have got it from a neighbor that there`s a new product for home use in the market. Using relevant examples explain the steps consumers follow in making purchase decisions. (8marks)

Question Four
a) Most companies when introducing new products to the market, they normally fail using suitable examples explain FIVE reasons why this is so? (10marks)
b) Briefly describe ways by which manufacturers or marketing firms can motivate channel participants to carry their products. (10marks)

Question Five
a) In understanding the marketing orientation, it is prudent to have a clear knowledge on the evolution of the marketing concept. Briefly discuss the evolution of the marketing concept. (10marks)
b) You have been approached by an organization in the financial services industry to advice them on effective segmentation. What factors would you advice them to consider in coming up with an effective segment.

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