Marketing Communication (Mktg 334) Question Paper
Marketing Communication (Mktg 334)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Define the following terms:-
i) Branding
ii) Positioning
iii) Differentiation
iv) Communication. (12marks)
b) What is meant by "Corporate image"? What are the tangible aspects of a
corporate image? (8marks)
c) What are the characteristics of a strong and effective brand name?
Question Two
a) Define marketing communication and explain how it works using the
AIDA model. (10marks)
b) State and explain the criteria an organization can use in the selection and use of promotion tools. (10marks)
Question Three
a) Explain the steps in developing effective marketing communication.
b) What blend of promotion mix would you suggest for the following production categories and why?
i) Close-up – Dental Care Product
ii) Coca-cola - Soft drink (8marks)
Question Four
a) Define Integrated Marketing Communication and discuss in detail each of the elements. (15marks)
b) Highlight the disadvantages of integrated marketing communication.
Question Five
a) "Advertisers who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals. Explain. (14marks)
b) What role does a product`s package play in the marketing program?
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