Principles Of Marketing(Mktg 218)  Question Paper

Principles Of Marketing(Mktg 218)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer questions one and any other two.
Question One
Define the term marketing philosophy and explain any two such philosophies sighting circumstances under which each is applicable.
With relevant examples, explain the variance pricing approaches that are applicable when pricing a product.
Marketing logistics involves various key decisions. Explain any five such key decisions.

Question Two
Marketing environment consists of both external and internal forces that affect management ability to make decisions as far as marketing programmes are concern. Explain any five external factors that a marketing manager should consider when launching a new product.
Kenya Methodist University want to venture in a new market as a marketing expert advice the management on what basis it can segment its market in order to achieve its objectives.

Question Three
Marketers are today faced with myriad of challenges that never existed in the last few years. Discuss any five such challenges facing marketers.
A product evolves through various stages in the market. Using a product of your choice. Explain these stages and the possible strategies that can be adopted in every stage.

Question Four
Define the term consumer behavior and explain any four factors that affect consumer behavior.
Explain the various factors to consider while setting the promotions budgets.

Question Five
Define the term "channels of distribution" and explain the various channels levels.
With relevant examples, explain how information technology can be used to improve marketing programmes.

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