Marketing Management(Mktg 330) Question Paper
Marketing Management(Mktg 330)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Question One
Allworm knitting ltd has been producing and selling knitting yarns for some eighty years. Throughout this period the company has always sold its products through specialists’ shops and some departmental stores under the brand name "Allworm". The product range is very extensive and includes a wide range of colours and yarn types. All the company’s yarn are produced using pure new wool or blends of wool and more exclusive fibres such as Mohair and Angora. The company has always taken pride in quality and believes that its brand name is well known and well respected by customers and the trade alike.
Unlike in the 1980s when had knitting was unpopular, recent years have witnessed a return to knitting at home. It has become fashionable to wear hand-knitted garments. Most young women like the idea of knitting quality garments and most fashion houses have recently made knitwear a prominent feature of their collection.
Despite this growth, Allworm’s market share has diminished over the past 5 years. A market research revealed that artificial yarns have price advantage over natural yarns. There has also been a shift by distributors from stocking branded yarns to unbranded yarns which are generally cheaper. It was also reviewed that many of the cheaper hand knitted yarns are being sold through market outlets at second hand. Allworm does not own any distribution outlets. It sells directly to specialist knitting yarn shops, accounting for 90% of sales and the departmental stores which account for the remainder. Its feels like its reputation in the trade is such that specialist retailers are likely to recommend its products to customers in preference to cheaper unbranded or mixed yarn products.
Question One
Conduct SWOT analysis for Allworm ltd.
Describe the marketing management philosophy used by allworm, stating its pros and cons.
What strategies can Allworm use in order to be more market – driven?
Question Two
Marketing management has undergone a paradigm shift from the old marketing approach to the modern marketing approach. Using examples, discuss this statement. (20mks)
Question Three
Describe how social-cultural environment influences marketing activities of a firm.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertising as a promotional tool.
Question Four
Describe the factors that a manufacturer would consider when selecting appropriate distributors for her products.
Using examples, describe the characteristics of a market oriented organization.
Question Five
Discuss the new product development process.
Discuss the benefits of branding to a firm.
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