Marketing Of Services (Mktg 335) Question Paper
Marketing Of Services (Mktg 335)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Question One
A group of young graduates from KEMU are contemplating starting a service company that will concentrate on garbage collection in Eastland’s estates in Nairobi. However majority of them do not have knowledge about service marketing.
As a service marketing specialist advise the group on the possible challenges they might encounter when marketing their services.
Describe the appropriate marketing strategies that the group can use to win and retain customer
Explain five unique characteristics of services.
Question Two
Discuss the strategies used by institutions in the banking sector to create and maintain customer loyalty.
Describe the role of physical evidence in service marketing.
Question Three
Using examples, identify the possible service delivery gaps explaining how each of them can be avoided.
Describe the role of servicescape in service delivery.
Question Four
Using appropriate examples, discuss the role of interpreted marketing communication in services marketing.
Explain five consumer risks when buying services.
Question Five
Describe the application of palmer’s service marketing triangle in the service sector in Kenya.
Describe the factor that influence choice of a service business location.
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