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Consumer Behavior(Mktg 432) Question Paper

Consumer Behavior(Mktg 432) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Case Study: Family Influences
A certain store was keeping a number of brand of washing machines. They had washing machines to cater to the needs of all the segments of the society. They were stocking various sizes of washing machines made locally as well as imports some of the washing machine sold by the store washing machine sold by the store include GL, GP, GT, Nahonial sumsung and notional. They machines are either automatic, semi-automating and manual machines. The automatic machines are bought by the higher income group. The middle income group were content with semi-automatic machines. Manual hand operated machines were for the lower class of clientele and also where electrification was not complete or the electricity went off for days together.
It was observed that when customers came to buy an automatic machine they usually come with their spouses and the hooked mainly at the colour style of functioning, electric consumption, care for handling, price factors etc. Manycustomers would not buy on their first visit then would come back after an interval of time, and bought the machine after careful considerations of the attributes that they were looking for. Many would lower their choice, and come back to buy semi automatic, instead of automatic machines. The sale was observed to be the highest during marriage seasons and at festival times. There was a greatest influence of the house wives in buying these as they were the ultimate users.
With a lot of information imparted by the media and the children exposed to it for several hours in a day, they seemed to have a good knowledge of the attributes and had a great say the purchases and their opinions were also given weightage by the parents. Since a chain store is more interested in the sales to materialize rather than pushing any particular brand, the salesmen are directed to satisfy the customs or the family. This should be their first consideration.
Do you feel that group interaction helps the lenyer too in his decision making process. Elaborate in reference to the case.
What should be the role of the media in the above case regarding advertisement, promotion, peculation and costing sales.
In purchase situation given in the case who are the likely individuals involved and what roles do they play.

Question Two
Illustrate and explain the consumer decision making process and how each stage is influenced by various factors. (20mks)

Question Three
Discuss the model of family decision making and its importance. (10mks)
As marketing manager you are responsible for developing marketing strategy. Describe how you develop a marketing strategy for a social class.

Question Four
Opinion leaders mediate transmission of information form mass media to the general public. What are the key characteristics to consider in choice of opinion leaders to use in your company’s adverts.
Explain self concept in relation to marketing strategy.

Question Five
The rate of adaption of a new product in the market is influenced by several factors among their the product factors. Explain the product factors that influence rate of adoption of a new product.
Describe the various organizational buying situations.

Question Six
Explain the 7 ’0’ framework of consumer research.
Explain the stages in the adoption process, use a telecommunication equipment you bought recently.

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