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Marketing Strategies(Mktg 541)  Question Paper

Marketing Strategies(Mktg 541)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Rasna Inc. Beverages is the manufacturer of soft drinks, Rasna strawberry, Rasna tropical among others. The company is to develop a marketing strategy and advertising company that will change the way its line of fruit juices is perceived by young as well as old people. Rasna intends to promote the range of juice brands in a way that continues to appeal for mainstream, young established.
The ready to drink packed juices market has been on a decline over the years. Consumers have generally moved to the fresh juices extracted from fresh fruits in the supermarkets or malls. Further consumers have been attracted to marketing and promotion of brands from exotic countries that combine feminine authenticity with exciting contemporary have enjoyed persistent growth. Over time the profile of ready to drink juices has gradually older
The leading brand in the market, Rasna’stropical’s market share is consistently being eroded by less expensive and less famous alternatives. In addition to operating in a market that is in overall decline, brands are losing their share of that market.
The current imagery of Rasna ready to drink juices is seen as outdated and largely irrelevant. It elicits images of a casual drink not related to any specific timing.
The images are not a reflective of more authentic, ready to drink juices for all times; morning drink, after meals drink and any other time during pleasure.
The Consumer
The research done on trends, investigated the values of young people generally.The findings were;
Young people are motivated by success, but focus for them must also be on enjoyment in their spare time
To some extent, health consciousness and environmental awareness seems to
They appreciate quality, they consider originality, intelligence in some less is more
The values associated with the young people today are hinged with a degree of vulnerability
It is in many years since Rasna had any advertising support. However, it’s recognized that successful targeting of a new generation of young consumers is vital to the future of the ready to drink juices.
The task
The marketing function must come up with an advertising strategy based on a budget of Ksh.3 million in the first year of advertising. For the purpose of the exercise in terms of media you are asked to consider only when your strategy will be, which target audience should be reached using which type of media and when; which is the role fulfilled by a media planner often in conjunction with the creative agency team. You will be asked to cost out the plan and will not be given costing for the various media.
The advertising strategy must and the following questions
What are the advertising objectives
Who exactly are the people advertising
What is the main message the advertising must put across and what evidence can be used to support that message?
What kind of appeal will be appropriate in developing the advertisement
Where should be advertising appear (i.e TV, newspapers, magazine, posters, radio, etc)? Which percentage of the Ksh.3 million would you allocate which media and why?
When might be the most appropriate moment or time to approach them in the medium
Develop an appropriate advertising strategy for Rasna Inc. fruit juices.

Question One
In reference to an appropriate consumer response model describe how advertising influences the consumer decisions. Refer to purchase of a new 81 inch TV model bought by Mr. Johnstone Jones.
(10 marks)
A key decision area for marketing communication is the message considerations area. Using relevant examples explain the three key areas to consider in designing the message.
(15 Marks)

Question Two
A highly creative advertisement copy may not be able to deliver results if there is an improper selection of media or a poor media plan and strategy. Explain the four key decision areas to consider when evolving a media plan.
(10 marks)
In what ways and parameters would you use to measure the effectiveness of advertisement campaign?
(8 marks)
Explain the key ethical issues to observe when designing and making an advertisement campaign.
(7 Marks)

Question Three
Planning sales promotion programmes the marketer should spend considerable time planning and adopting a long-term analytical planning approach. Explain five key areas the marketer should consider in planning the promotion programme
(10 Marks)
Personal selling is the face to face mode of communicating with the target audience. Using the stimulus response theory explain how the salesperson influences a consumer decision to buy a product
(5 marks)
Direct marketing is gaining wide acceptance in Kenya over the years. Explain the factors that have fuelled the rise in use of direct marketing activity
(10 Marks)

Question Four
Product placement use as an element of the promotion mix has grown tremendously over the years. Explain the reasons for this growth(15 Marks)
Sponsorships has taken prominence in marketing communication. As an organization you should carefully select the ideal events/programs to sponsor. What are key decisions to be considered in selecting events to sponsor
(10 marks)

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