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International Marketing Management(Mktg 542)  Question Paper

International Marketing Management(Mktg 542)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Question One
Large multinational corporations may still need to tailor their products and service to local needs. Unilever is one of the world consumer products companies. It seeks to establish its brands on a global basis and support them with state of the art research and development. However, it is acutely aware that markets differ and that if it is to be global it has to be prepared to adapt to local market conditions. It’s also recognizes that if it is to have global reach, it has to be able to market its goods in poorer areas as well as richer areas.
Local executives argue that poor as people are they aren’t naturally inclined to settle for throwaway versions of the real deal – if the companies that make the real deal bother to explain the difference. To help develop the skills to do this Lever management trainees in India begin their career by spending weeks living in rural villages where they eat, sleep and talk with the locals. Once you have spent time with consumers, you realize that they want the same things you want. They want a good quality life. The same executives have innovated further in the way goods are marketed. They have developed direct sales models where women belonging to self-help groups that run micro-credit operations, sell lever products so as to make their collective savings grow.
Where television viewing is uncommon Hindustan lever marketing executives have also mounted thousands of live shows at cattle and trade markets employing rural folklore. The aim here is not just to push the Lever brands, it is to explain the importance of more frequent washing and better hygiene. Indeed sales personnel attend religious festivals and use ultraviolet light wands on people’s hands to show the dangers of germs and dust
So Lever has dedicated research and development efforts into finding a low cost soap that can be used for the body and for the hair and which is targeted to smaller towns and rural areas. As KediDadiseth a director of Hindustan lever, put it. Everyone wants brands. And there are a lot more poor people in the world than rich people. To be a global business you have to participate in small segments.
Answer the following questions with your understanding of case study and international global marketing
Explain the challenges a multinational such as Hindustan lever Ltd faces in developing global brands while encouraging local responsiveness
(8 Marks)
Give five examples of local tailoring (Kenyan) of global brands that you can think of. Justify your answer.
(5 Marks)
Discuss the implication of culture in global marketing bringing out clearly the major components of culture and their effects on global marketing programmes.
(8 Marks)
Define the term "global localization."
(2 Marks)

Question Two
KeMU is a world class university in East Africa. You have just graduated from KeMU as an MBA student with a marketing specialization. Being among the honours student in KeMU has offered you a job to be their marketing manager for all the KeMU branches in the global arena. You are not worried because you have studied international marketing and you are conversant with all the environmental factors that make your task and decisions more complex, multifaceted and dynamic. Explain how the environmental factors will differ from those of domestic marketing and their effects on the marketing international marketing program. (25 Marks)

Question Three
An inevitable consequence of the expansion of global marketing activity is the growth of competition on a global basis. Harvard professor Michael E. Porter proposes that the absence of particular attributes in individual countries influences industry development. Discuss the application of porters Diamonds model in international marketing.
(15 Marks)
Citing relevant examples, discuss how various companies are utilizing Porters four generic strategies to achieve competitive advantage for their companies in the global market place.
(10 Marks)

Question Four
"The form and substance of a company’s response to the global market opportunities depend greatly on management’s assumption of beliefs both conscious and unconscious about the nature of the world." Discuss this statement in light of the EPRG framework.
(12 Marks)
Discuss the restraining and driving forces affecting global integration and international marketing.
(13 Marks)

Question Five
Discuss the six attributes that distinguish GSPS from traditional joint ventures.
(6 marks)
Describe the main sources of information for a new company that is contemplating entering international market.
(10 Marks)
What is a global segment? Pick a market that you know something about and describe the global segments for this market.
(9 Marks)

Question Six
Before doing any business internationally through sourcing, exporting, investing or a combination of these strategies the company must look at conditions in the potential country to analyze what the advantages and disadvantages are. Evaluate the decision criteria factors for international business.
(10 marks)
Critically analyze the five international product and promotion strategies in designing a global marketing programme.
(15 Marks)

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