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Brand Management (Mktg 547)  Question Paper

Brand Management (Mktg 547)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Question One (compulsory)
Can Marlboro Consider Extension
Philip Morris, owner of the Marlboro brand, envisages a slow decline of that brand as a result of increasing restrictions on tobacco advertising. This is not a situation that it is about to take lying down, not least because the brand is one of its most important assets, values at $ 23 billion. Plans under consideration include diversification into hotels and leisure, under the Marlboro brand. It hopes that the halo effect will ease its path into this highly competitive market. But there are some mighty big challenges. Can the Marlboro brand values be translated to a hotel? Presumably guests will still be urged not to smoke in bed? Might it be that that this particular brand halo will prove to be an obstacle rather than assistance? Some argue that a better use of its assets would be to milk Marlboro as it declines and invest the funds in growth strategies for other established brands in the portfolio, such as Kraft or Miller.
What factors should Philip Morris consider before extending Marlboro brand.
(8 marks)
Describe the pros and cons of brand extension as a strategy.
(10 marks)
What other strategic options would you advice Philip Morris to take rather than extension?
(7 Marks)

Question Two
OMO a popular brand in the detergent category is experiencing strong competition from new brands in the market. The management is intending to conduct a strategic brand analysis. As a branding consultant discuss the content of a strategic brand analysis. (25 Marks)

Question Three
Using appropriate examples, discuss the factors that influence the number of brands that a company can introduce in the market.
(15 Marks)
Rebranding has become a common practice in the recent past. Using examples, discuss the reason for rebranding. What are the dangers of rebranding?
(10 marks)

Question Four
Using the Kapferer’s brand identify prism, describe the six dimensions of a brand.
(15 Marks)
Describe the procedure for developing a brand name.
(10 Marks)

Question Five
Using examples discuss the application of self-expression model in brand personality.
(10 Marks)
Describe the strategies used by telecommunication companies in creating awareness for their new brands.
(15 Marks)

Question Six
Advise EABL on the possible strategies they can use to revitalize malta-guiness brand
(15 marks)
Discuss the role of symbols and slogans in building brand equity.
(10 Marks)

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