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Technology And Innovation(Entr 430)  Question Paper

Technology And Innovation(Entr 430)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the following terms
i) Technology (1 mark)
ii) Innovation (1 mark)
iii) Technology transfer (2 marks)
iv) Technology diffusion (2 marks)
b) Discuss three stages of technological increase that should be followed in Kenya (6 marks) c) Technology development is facing a lot of constraints in terms of development in Kenya state and explain five major constraints faced by small and medium (10 marks)
d) The Kenyan government and the private sector should create policies that promote small scale technology development suggest four policy areas that should be addressed. (8 marks)
e) There are five basic approaches to viewing the future, identify and explain five classes of people according to approaches to the future. (10 marks)

Question 2
a) Discuss five information activities needed to support technology (10 marks)
b) State and explain five key attributes of appropriate technology (10 marks)
c) Onyango would like to import new technology to use in his cyber café, suggest to him five major source of finances that can effectively finance his activity and explain why you suggested them. (10 marks)

Question 3
a) The following terminologies are related to technology and innovation what do they mean?
i) Industrialization (2 marks)
ii) Technical change (2 marks)
iii) Trademarks (2 marks)
iv) Patent (2 marks)
v) Productivity (2 marks)
vi) Invention (2 marks)
b) Technological diffusion has various sources of origin state and explain five source of this technology for an SME operating in Kenya. (10 marks)
c) For SMEs to catch up with global technology levels four steps must be followed which include? (8 marks)

Question 4
a) Kenya like other developing countries faces various challenges that hinder the development and growth of ICT, analyses five major challenges. (10 marks)
b) Suggest five approaches to the development of successful innovation in Kenya (10 marks) c) How does technology influence the development of SMEs product market in Kenya? (10 marks)

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