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Small Enterprise Policy And Strategy Formulation(Entr 332)  Question Paper

Small Enterprise Policy And Strategy Formulation(Entr 332)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Explain the importance of formulating policies targeting the small entrepreneurs. (5marks)
b) Highlight any FIVE major challenges faced during the formulation and implementation of policies. (10marks)
c) Discuss the strategies for technology policy implementation in Kenya. (15marks)

Question 2
“Micro and small scale enterprises (MSEs) have a considerable impact on the environment, individually and especially collectively compared to the large firms.” Discuss the statement critically and propose policies or intervention strategies to curb this impact. (20marks)

Question 3
In 1989, the Government of Kenya published a document entitled. “A strategy for small enterprise development in Kenya: towards the year 2000” which focused on three main constraints the sector was experiencing.
a) Explain the three constraints citing some of the progress made in those areas. (12marks)
b) Cite any firm or institution that offers Business Development services, and explain what services are offered, and its benefits to the entrepreneurs. (8marks)

Question 4
a) Wanjiku is an upcoming entrepreneur, who needs support to expand her business of exporting horticultural products. Which assistance model would you propose to her and why? (10marks)
b) Physical infrastructure is key to entrepreneurship development. Explain TWO areas the Government of Kenya is emphasizing on in the area of infrastructure to enhance and stimulate entrepreneurship development. (10marks)

Question 5
a) Briefly explain FIVE factors to consider when selecting the assistance model to adopt. (10marks)
b) Discuss any ONE financial assistance programme the Government of Kenya has implemented citing its impact on entrepreneurial culture. (10marks)

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